podere la casa rossa


Alessandro & Andrea Chiti
(Winemakers since 1981)

This is our land, that Chiti family loves for generation, working and producing wine and oil for at least fifty years. In our properties the villas offer an unforgettable holiday immersed in beauty and comfort. It all begins long ago in the early post war years when Enzo Chiti, a very enterprising young man, became involved in an important farm in the San Gimignano area, taking over as farm manager. He also entered a new market open to new horizons, which led him to become a successful industrialist for many years until exhausted by too many commitments, deciding to return to agriculture, his first passion as landowner. Later, Alessandro took over, and together the father with big and brilliant synergy, in 1981 acquiring the farm Podere La Casa Rossa with just 5,6 ha of land including vineyards and olives groves. After considerable investments for the first winery, and the bottling line for the first Vernaccia di San Gimignano produced. In short time investments took off, acquiring another 4 hectares of land.

Podere La Casa Rossa diversified its crops, creating more complex and fruity lines. New equipment was bought, and winemaking became longer and more complicated, focusing on the quality of the products. Today, the winery is run by Alessandro and his son Andrea, who, working together with the family, has passed on a benefic ‘disease’ that gives them the strength to face its difficulties. Andrea himself writes: “ overcoming everything in our work also gives us the strength to overcome life’s problems’. We are trying to renew ourselves, even though it’s difficult for us, so dedicated to the land, a natural and earthly thing that can be touched. So a virtual thing become reality and can be savored like our products. That’s what we would like when someone tastes our wine: to connect with us… Our history and a wine, Vernaccia odi San Gimignano docg, considered one of the most important Italian wine of Tuscany, boasts a long documented journey through the centuries since AD 1000. We can read the name of Vernaccia in operas of Dante Alighieri, Boccaccio, Cecco Angiolieri and later mentioned in the books by Francesco Redi. The Vernaccia of San Gimignano was requested by the most important courts of Italy, from Medici’s in Florence, Visconti in Milan to enhance their finest banquets and wedding.

The story of Vernaccia di San Gimignano saw its revival in the 1960s, becoming the first Italian wine to be awarded the prestigious DOC designation in 1966, and subsequently the DOCG was assigned in 1993 thanks to the impetus of the Consorzio del Vino Vernaccia di San Gimignano. The denomination has always aimed to distinguish itself for the quality, positioning itself in one of the best territories of Italy with low yelds and great attention to biodiversity. Vernaccia di San Gimignano has historically been one of the Italian certified wine production with the highest number of organic wineries. The success been influenced by some of the best families, companies, producers, in ancient and more cent time, favoring increasingly high quality Vernaccia production.